Services Provided

Nursing Care

Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses and Certified Care Aides are available 24 hours a day to meet the care needs of each resident. The resident's primary nurse is responsible for the plan of care designed to help each individual regain and maintain the maximum possible degree of health. If requiring assistance, there are two call bells in each room, one by the bedside and one in the bathroom. 


Therapy staff (Recreation, Music) and Recreation staff are appropriately certified and provide services in a caring, compassionate, safe, resident centered manner which results in the resident and family having a positive experience. The staff continuously strives to provide the highest quality of services to the residents and families, representing our professions as a role model within Rosewood Manor and the community.  Visit the Recreation page for more information about programming.

Medical Care

Rosewood Manor participates in the Residential Care Initiative (RCI), which involves a group of physicians dedicated to provide services for Rosewood Manor residents. These physicians adhere to the Five Best Practice Expectations: 24-7 availability and on-site attendance, when required; proactive visits to residents; meaningful medication reviews; completed documentation; attendance at care conferences.  Residents are free to choose their own attending physician from the RCI group or the community.

Rosewood Manor has a Medical Lead, Dr. Justin Hsu, who works with Rosewood and the physicians to ensure that the Long Term Care Physician standards are met. 

The Nursing Staff must be notified of all your doctor's appointments, x-rays, or other medical visits. All doctor's prescriptions must be given to the nurse immediately upon a resident returning from a medical appointments in order to obtain the prescribed item through our Pharmacy. Medical and Pharmacare cards are to be handed in on admission and will be kept on the resident's chart.

Pharmacy Services

Pharmacy Services are provided by London Drugs. 

Medications are dispensed by licensed nurses as ordered by the attending physician. Medications are not permitted in a resident’s room unless a letter of variance is approved by the Physician, Medical Safety Committee and Licensing. This includes prescribed and over the counter medications and herbal or vitamin supplements. Advance notice is required when going out so that medications may be packaged for the resident to take with them. 

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapist from Salius Rehab will provide services on wheelchairs and specialized equipment and provide wound management, cognitive assessments, swallowing assessments and equipment management.

Mobility Program

Rosewood Manor offers a mobility program where a physiotherapist completes an initial assessment and refers the resident to work one on one with a rehabilitation assistant in one of three protocols, walking, transfers or in bed mobility, as appropriate. Referrals can made through the Care Team.


A Podiatrist visits approximately every other month to provide foot care. The podiatrist charges a fee per treatment. Referrals can made through the Care Team.

Dental Care 

A dentist visits on a regular basis and appointments are scheduled as needed. Rates will be charged in compliance with established College of Dental Surgeons of BC guidelines. The dentist will bill the resident directly. Referrals can made through the Care Team.

Hairdressing and Barber Services 

The hair salon is located on the first floor. The hairdresser comes in on Mondays. Appointments can be made through the care department.

Laundry Services

Laundry services are provided by Westcana Services Inc. to all residents.

All personal clothing must be wash and wear as dry cleaning services are not available. Residents’ clothing must be labeled upon admission.   

Lost and found for resident’s clothing is available in the Laundry Department.


Housekeeping Services are provided by Westcana Services Inc.  Housekeeping staff provide daily cleaning including garbage removal, bathroom cleaning, floor cleaning and dusting and a monthly thorough cleaning in resident rooms.

Nutrition and Food

Dietary Services are provided by Westcana Services Inc. The dietary department offers wholesome, attractive, nutritious meals and snacks. Food preferences are considered and alternatives are available where appropriate. An Asian alternative is available at lunch and supper. Special meals/events are held on a regular basis.

A registered dietitian is on site 3 days per week.  

Special Holiday Meals

Special meals are planned for the Residents.

Current Menu

Spring Summer Menu

Spring summer menu cycle schedule